Best Bb Weight for Airsoft Sniper

Best Bb Weight for Airsoft Sniper

I'm sure that anybody had the same dilemma „What bb'south should I choose to my airsoft replica". Nigh of the time we choose bb's to the fps that our replica has, just is information technology the all-time way? Today I would like to show you how I choose bb's for my airsoft replicas. Before we start I would similar to introduce y'all to the terminology that we use.

FPS (feet per second) – unit for muzzle velocity,

Joule J – unit of measurement of kinetic energy measure, this value translates into how far the bb will fly, and how much it hurts when you get striking.

When choosing airsoft bb'southward I take in consideration a few things:

  1. Cylinder to barrel capacity ratio
  2. The environment I will play in (forest/CQB)
  3. BB quality / upkeep

Cylinder to butt capacity ratio

For me, the first and most important factor for choosing my ammo is to determine the cylinder to barrel capacity ratio. Every cylinder type has a unlike capacity the aforementioned goes for barrels, longer the barrel more chapters it has, more air in the cylinder in ratio to the barrel, the heavier bb's can exist used. The most optimal ratio is between one,80-iii,20. It allows u.s. to select the most mutual bb weight.

For example, if we want to use a 0,28g bb'south, the ratio should exist almost 2,5, for heavier 0,36g bb's, it should be well-nigh three,xx, as stated in the description under the table. On the internet, you can easily find calculators and tutorials on how to calculate the ratio. I use Szogun's table that I found a long fourth dimension ago at (Original file is in Polish, this table is only translated screenshot).

Source: WMASG

Equally an case, I volition apply my Specna Artillery SA-E10, which has a type 3 cylinder, and 170mm barrel. If nosotros have a standard barrel length nosotros can just cheque it in the chart. I take a non-standard 170mm, so I had to add together it to the table. If nosotros look at the cylinder to barrel ratio, we will encounter value 2,98 what, according to description, means that I accept enough air to use even 0,32g+ bb's. Permit's cheque it out, but first, a command shot on 0,20g.

chrono test of BBs

As you tin can see, replica generates 331,two FPS and 1,01J. Now, let'southward try heavier bb's.

chrono test of BBs

With 0,36g bb's we tin can find a Joule increase from 1,01J to 1,16J. It means that the excess corporeality of air we had in the system was used to push a heavier bb. That issue is called Joule Creep and in this example, information technology means a gratuitous „ability upgrade". This confirms the outcome from the tabular array - we can use heavy bb's in the replica. When nosotros will come up back to value with 0,20g bb'due south, nosotros run into that my replica generates near 353.eight FPS. All o that thanks to heavier bb's. Additionally, it exceeds limits for CQB games.

chrono test

Information technology's not a huge problem considering all I need to do is apply some lighter 0,28g bb'southward to drop the power to 1,1J. Calculated dorsum to 0,20g bb's gives me 345,1 FPS, I'm back in the limits.

This method shows us what range of bb weight we can choose from. It is best to select the weight of the bb's to the amount of air in the system to prevent its excess, which tin can cause unstable bb flight, bigger spread and sometimes unwanted Joule Pitter-patter effect that can cause your gun to be above limits. Before we motion adjacent I would like to show you i more example.

BBs chrono test

Specna Arms SA-B12 with a type 0 cylinder and a 455mm barrel. If we look into the table, we will run across that the ratio value is only two,26. Information technology means that with bb'due south heavier than ~0,25g I will showtime to lose power. With 0,20g bb'due south I have 462,5 FPS/i,98J,

chronograph test

only with 0,28g I meet a minor drop to ane,97J.

chrono test of BBs

Still, information technology gets worse when I utilize heavier bb's - dropping to 1,91J. That's why, to use heavier bb's with this airsoft replica, I will need a shorter barrel.


I have determined what bb weight I can use in my replica. Now, it'south time to think where I will utilise it.

Forest– on longer distances, that are characteristic for large sites and forest gameplays, it's important for bb's to have direct flight not affected by wind, and has enough forcefulness to go through leaves and small twigs. That stability and force can be achieved by using a heavier bb'south from 0,28g+ range. Very popular (in Poland) are weights 0,30g, 0,32g and if your hop-up tin can spin it, even a 0,36g (I'thou talking almost AEG). Heavier bb's will be less affected by air current and vegetation. It's important to have in mind that a heavier bb flies slower than a light 1, peculiarly when we want to hit a fast-moving target.

CQB– in close quarters, where the action is fast and dynamic my priority will be speed, faster the bb, easier it volition exist to striking a fast-moving target without overcompensating for its path. If nosotros look back at chrono results for SA-E10 we volition encounter that the speed divergence between 0,20g and 0,28g is ~40 FPS, we lose even more with 0,36g coming to ~70 FPS, that in CQB tin can brand a huge difference. That's why for close quarters I would recommend lighter bb'due south in a range from 0,20g to max 0,28g, so our shots can get faster to the target. On indoor fields, the benefit from heavier bb's is non relevant because there is no wind and vegetation.

Mixed fields - when we have a field that combines both outdoor and indoor gameplay, and we simply accept one airsoft replica, we will have to go for a compromise. With both the SA-E08 and SA-E10 replicas when I play on a mixed field I use 0,28g bb'southward. They give me enough stability on longer shots, are adept in CQB and I don't have to worry almost existence over field limits.

BB quality / budget

Knowing what bb weight we tin utilize, and where we will use them, it'southward only a question of choosing the right manufacturer. My advice is simple, High-quality bb's is the cheapest upgrade.

Having a replica with a good barrel, nice bucking and with great internals we can choose the best bb weight that will apply the Joule Creep effect to the max, and still, our shots will miss. Bb'southward will fly to the right or the left. Hop-upwards will hop bb's unevenly and they will jam in the mags, or worse, in the barrel. Information technology sounds like a horror scenario, just information technology's but a reality of badly selected bb'due south dictated only by their price. If we want to utilize our replicas' full potential, we must apply high-quality ammo. Past my experience, I would recommend bb'due south from BLS and G&Chiliad as tiptop tier manufacturers. I'm sure you will not exist disappointed. I'm enlightened that a beginner that counts every cent will choose some cheaper options. Nosotros don't accept to accept the nearly expensive bb'southward if nosotros employ a fully stock burglarize. However, call back that we tin can have meliorate results with better ammo. From time to time, I use Rockets Platinium or black Specna Artillery in my Cyma Glock cm.030. I believe that in the case of stock replica, used at the distance of 5-20m, in that location is no need to invest in better bb'southward.


I hope that the method I showed you, will help y'all to choose the correct weight bb's without using a chrono. I used it long before buying mine. Now, when I have it I can ostend it. Of course, equally a perfect choice, information technology is to use a chronograph. It will evidence u.s.a. how many Joules we get on different ammo. Selecting the correct weight is not merely determined by the power of our replica but likewise where nosotros will use it. Doesn't matter if it'south a forest or CQB. I'grand sure there is the correct weight that volition do the job. We demand to call up that we will get the best results with high-quality bb'southward, but only if the replica is properly prepared. Information technology's because, even if we employ a high octane gas in Fiat 126P it won't change into a Porsche, despite having an engine in the back ;)



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Best Bb Weight for Airsoft Sniper

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